Fall Retreat 2010


Your mission at the St. Thomas More Newman Center is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ expressed in the Roman Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition into dialogue with the academic community at the University of Oregon through the evangelization and religious formation of the Catholic students, faculty, staff and administrators. You are the people affiliated with the University and local community members who support the mission of Catholic campus ministry.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Starlight Dessert

This past Sunday we welcomed all students with a dessert social. Many desserts were on hand and many students enjoyed the sugar coma, and are now ready for classes this week. We wish all students well in their studies. If you couldn't make it on Sunday we have Wednesday Night Mass at 9 PM and a Spaghetti dinner on this Friday night followed by the Freshman Retreat.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Freshmen and New Student Brunch and Tour

Freshmen and new students enjoyed pancakes and sausage at our brunch Saturday. On the tour of campus we met Rocio, Peer minister last year. What great weather to tour campus looking for classes? God bless all new students at the beginning of this school year here at Oregon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sr. Margaret on KEZI News!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Waiting for Dr. Newman

Here is an article in America Magazine by Nicholas Lash.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Newman's Own

Why is Newman so important? Why are Newman Centers named after him, even before he was considered for sainthood? In the mid―to late―nineteenth century, Catholics began attending secular, rather than Catholic universities in larger numbers. In many of these institutions they encountered environments hostile to Catholicism. In an attempt to balance their intellectual lives with their faith lives, students began informally gathering with local clergy and religious and Catholic professors. In 1892 at the University of Pennsylvania, one such group formed a club named after John Henry Newman, a recently deceased Cardinal of the church who had written essays on the idea of a University and on the Christian conscience.

Here is Pope Benedict XVI on Newman: It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church’s Magisterium that sets us free. Cardinal Newman realised this, and he left us an outstanding example of faithfulness to revealed truth by following that “kindly light” wherever it led him, even at considerable personal cost. Great writers and communicators of his stature and integrity are needed in the Church today, and it is my hope that devotion to him will inspire many to follow in his footsteps. (Ad Limina Visit of Bishops of England and Wales, Feb 1, 2010)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

100th Anniversary of Mother Teresa's Birth

Today is Sunday of Labor Day weekend, and we remember a laborer in Christ's vineyard. Click on the link to see a video of a commencement address at Fr. Augustine's college.